مساعد أمين المكتبه


Contract Type
Full Time
Closing Date
الإثنين, صفر 29, 1441

Job Requirements

- English Language Skills: IELTS: 6, STEP: 75, or TOEFL: (PBT: 500) (IBT: 61) Education: Diploma Degree in Library and Information Science or related discipline. Work Experience: Minimum of one (1) years working experience in a related field.

Job Responsibilities

- Prepares and organizes materials and helps users to find books, educational materials or references available in the library or e-Learning access. - Lends or collects books, magazines, videotapes and other materials. - Records/cancels every transaction in the library database. - Maintains records and files on circulating materials; ensures to conduct inspection of the returned items verifying any damages. - Monitors book lending services and ensures that users are adhering to the established lending policy. - Assists in reviewing patrons' records and preparing reminder of overdue borrowed books or materials, and track users deserved penalty. - Catalogs and processes all printed and electronic resources including books, periodicals, databases and web pages. - Ensures that materials are properly processed and labeled. - Maintains authority files, bibliographic records and holdings. - Sort returned books, periodicals, and other items and arranges on designated shelves, in the appropriate files, or in storage area. - Registers and advises new patrons, issue library cards. - Answers patrons' inquiries or refer to the librarian. - Assists in statistics of materials added to the collection and prepares statistical reports.


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