Education: Bachelor·, degree in Computer Science or a related fLcld required. Work Experience:Five years of data proce.<sing experience, including four years in database design, management and con.lrol. MIL't have knowledge of systems and database software currently used at lSD. Additional experience may be substituted for education. English Language Skills: 65%
Principle Duties: !. Design and review interfacing capabilities (Database related) of existing systems. 1 Evolution and recommend d.a ta. base software. 3 Piau [or future requirement and recommend solutiqn .w 1lJlticipa\ed problems. 4. Establish, maintain and modit}' database stmctures, standards and access methods as required by changes in hardware, software or revised policies and procedure. 5. Assure datal)ase integrity, aiChiving, maintenance, recovery, security and availability. 6. Design the database required for data repositories.
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